Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2019 № 6 Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.50.49.009
UDC: 378.172
BBC: 75.4
D. V. Viktorov ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Physical Education and Health, South Ural State University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
E. YU. Nikitina ORCID
Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Department of Russian language and literature and methods of teaching Russian language and literature, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article justifies the relevance of professional adaptation of future specialists with disabilities in the framework of a professionally-oriented approach; presents the requirements of applied training related to the nature of the upcoming labor activity and ensuring the necessary level of professional adaptation of future specialists, the development of their professionally important qualities that contribute to a more successful mastery of the profession and its further improvement. The article aims at substantiate and reveal the author's concept of effective organization of professional and applied physical culture with students having limitations in health.

Materials and methods. The main research methods involve analysis of scientific literature devoted to the problem of professional and applied physical training, education and training of students of special medical groups and the formation of the pedagogical process, during which students with disabilities are sufficiently provided an increase in the range of functional capabilities of the body, allowing to form professional adaptation; as well as diagnostic techniques, including observation, description, conversation, methods of statistical data processing.

Results. The study introduced an pedagogical model of applied physical education (APE) is developed, which contributes at the level of physical transformation to the creation of opportunities and abilities to effectively carry out labor activity, to productively perform professi-


onal tasks of future specialists with disabilities; the authors present a step-by-step formation of applied physical education, on the basis of which the tactics of the teacher of physical culture, including pedagogical conditions providing efficiency and flexibility of training due to the variable use of traditional and innovative methods and forms of professional and applied physical training is carried out; identified and described a set of indicators corresponding to the functional readiness of students with disabilities, reflecting the increase in the range of adaptive capabilities of the body.

Discussion. The study shows that the implementation of professional and applied physical training in the framework of APE allows to create an effective professional adaptation of future specialists with disabilities, acting as one of the effective tools for the implementation of potential opportunities to improve health and physical readiness.

Conclusion. The authors concluded that carrying out a certain pedagogical work at each stage in the implementation of the model involves bringing the student to a higher level of formation of professional adaptation.


Professional adaptation; students; applied training; health; University


The study defined constituents applied physical education;

The authors introduced a pedagogical model promoting creation of conditions for professional and applied physical training of students with limited opportunities of health is developed;

The research presents the stages of formation of professional adaptation in high school, including the appropriate levels and criteria.


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